Midyear Meeting: New Orleans March 12, 2011 Minutes Don Morgan, Psy.D.
APTC BUSINESS MEETING Diversity Committee needs members We will discuss locations for next meeting. Eric S says getting back to west coast will be a good idea. ES solicits feedback on meeting. Mike T will send a survey monkey around.
Arnie Abels – APPIC Connie Hersey stepped down and retired from running APPIC. New Exec Director is Jeff Baker. APPIC reports 25% of non matching students =1000. Trying to develop new internships. Collaborating with all other APA entities. CCTC toolkit developed for sites that wish to start internships. Mentor program continues for helping develop internships. APPIC at 2008 meeting on shortage of internships started this process and did a survey. Div 42 said they had expertise in ABPP members and they are volunteering to supervise in agencies that need supervision in order to qualify for internship. New application improvements are developed for internship process. Phase 2 of match [instead of clearinghouse] is in process now. Unknown outcome at present New things on APPIC website: Match statistics and data. Available in April. # of applications 14/7 to 15.1 and got 6.4 interviews. 8% were second timers last yr. 78% female applicants. Mean debt was $78,000. One third reported over $100,000 debt ! Students think they need lots of HOURS. Training directors want other things: essays, cover letters, experience, etc. Next year is annual APPIC conference in March/April. May be NO, Austin, San Antonio, Tempe AZ.
Kathy Grus - APA Education Directorate Newly formed working group, “education and training for health service psychologists” Collaboration among various APA groups in order to address quality of training that should position psychologists to practice in the healthcare marketplace. i.e. When is best time to take the exam for licensing? Are there prereq competencies prior to admission into doctoral programs? Competencies Benchmarks Document update: As Bob Hatcher pointed out, two bigs: Ways to make document more user friendly – revisions using 15 core competencies grouped into 6 to make it less unwieldy. Also wording of behavioral examples was examined and language made more operational. AND Developing an online evaluation system hosted on the APA website. DCT’s can access and customize eval form for your program. i.e. Look only at levels relevant to your needs, also which competency cluster do you want to use. They will put behavioral examples in. And a research component will be built in. This will be launched in MAY 2011. ALSO HRSA grant program for underserved service programs. Modest at 3 million. Funded 20 programs last year. This is still in the fed budget ! Also, soliciting for nominations for award and cash to recognize contributions to professional psychology
Julie ACCTA – organization of counseling centers who do training, inclusive multicultural communities. Integrating social justice issues in internship training is theme for next conference. Phyllis: Soliciting participation in newsletter writing Karen Saules: Listserv – she needs everyone’s correct email so all can post. Make sure your info is updated on member directory. We have a lot of new members this year. N=175 currently. Membership year runs Sept to August. Dues need to be paid. TEPP year goes Jan to Dec. Hmmmm…. Ok, if you join by Dec, you get full year of TEPP. Website: Maintained by KS, but needs webmaster, Ryan, to work on complex problems. But he isn’t always available. Proposing that we hire a dedicated webmaster Lee brings up archiving system on listserv. Very helpful, but could use a “table of contents” of what is archived. KS says somebody could do it, like a professional or a dedicated member.
Treasurer’s report Bill Rae –- Total income 25k, income from conference 23,8k = 54k conf costs 32,7. Each person paid $100, conference cost $300, so each person was subsidized ~$200. Journal subscription is $45 out of $150 dues. We need to hire a professional for website. Website, Journal, Listserv, Conference is where $ goes. See Exec. Committee minutes and Treasurer’s report for more complete analysis of finances
Eric Sauer – Research: How many clinics are out there? ES is working with a graduate student to gather some data about this. International reach may be possible now
Leticia Flores – New Director Support: What would new people like to get from the conference? New people don’t know what they don’t know! Can we help on listserv? Do you all like dinners for new members? Help in between conferences?
Tony C – Collaboration and Liason: We have sent our reps to a number of other groups. They write a report and it is posted on our website. Soliciting those of us who go to other meetings to write reports and post to website about what they are doing.
Bob Hatcher TEPP: As Associate Editor, Bob reports that TEPP has had many good reports on training programs and he solicits all directors to submit manuscripts. Special Issue coming on implementing training models in your clinics. Reviewers are always needed too.
Karen F and Mike Taylor – Programs and Conferences: Next year, maybe westward. A place with a clinic? An onsite person. Pacific Northwest? Ideas for programming needed. Mike will put out a survey monkey. Thanks to Karen F for putting together the program.
To be resurrected: Awards and Recognition Committee Erica Wise Diversity Committee – Randy will take this on Eric – summary If you want to run for office, we need you.
Michael Lambert had dinner with Bob Hatcher and the Executive Committee