APTC Business Meeting
Minutes February 28, 2014,
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Submitted by Karen
Appreciations, and Introduction New Officers Tony
● Tony
announced changes in Executive Committee (EC) members from
recent election results Tony thanked departing members of the
EC and Kris Morgan for their service, and also Colleen Byrne
(now Past President) for her mentorship as he assumes role of
President. She received the president’s service award.
● Tony passed
around Committee sign-up list and will circulate final list
later (Karen S will update on website, too)
● Tony announced
that new Member-at-Large Heidi Zetzer will head up our New
Members’ Support committee, taking over from Leticia Flores,
who has run it for a number of years now.
● Leticia will
remain active as liaison chair and chair of a new technology
● Jean Spruill
award was given to Rob Heffer. Earlier in the meeting the
Friend of APTC award was presented to Nadine Kaslow, our
keynote speaker.
Reports from other organizations APA Cathi
Grus, Education Directorate
● Reviewed APA
Supervision Guidelines. They are integrating comments into
draft report that is undergoing legal review; final report
should be out by August or February
● Grant
opportunities through HRSA
● $35
million project includes internship site funding; will be out
for proposals soon
● Mental
Health & Behaviors Program includes funding for graduate
psychology education
● Online portal
for resources regarding Graduate Education is in the works ACCTA Mary Ann
● Their conference
theme this year was the internship crisis
● Nadine Kaslow
and Greg Keilin (APPIC) were keynote speakers on this topic
● Discussed what
it means to “fit” with a counseling center internship site
● Future of ACCTA
will involve Health Services Psychology, Integrated Care
within their Health Centers
Reports from the Committee Chairs Publications & Public Relations,
Phyllis Terry Friedman
● Phyllis plugged
for filling gaps in newsletter coverage, ideally with a
diversity and/or international column. Invited folks to
friend organization through her Facebook page. Membership/Resources/
Website/Listserv, Karen Saules
● Karen reviewed
how access to listserv and website are managed and what
resources are available
● Encouraged
executive board to think ahead about how we might transition
to a new website; Karen will work with this group to make sure
new system would cover all the features we currently have and
want to keep, with some of the more cumbersome aspects
● Encouraged
everyone send photos to Karen to upload so that member
directory will include visual information New Director Support,
Leticia Flores
● Introduced new
members and explained past efforts to help them get
involved. Introduced Heidi Zetzer, who is taking over
this committee Research Committee, Eric
● Acknowledged
APTC co-authors on in-press TEPP publication, first authored
by Jennifer Callahan, APTC co-authors include Eric Sauer,
Karen Saules, Erica Wise, Scott Gustafson, and Jen Schwartz Survey Group, Patti Ann
Louise Petretic
● New committee
that will work on getting more systematic and updated data
from our members, so that we can all report on how comparable
clinics operate when that information is needed Competencies, Bob Hatcher
● Looking for new
committee members, referred to his presentation for additional
details about competency issues, past, present, and future Treasurer’s Report, Bill
● Unanticipated
budget shortfall for the current year because we didn’t
adequately foresee this year’s conference costs, which were
partly due to an extra day of programming and partly due to
unforeseen high attendance relative to past years
● General
consensus was to agree with Bill’s recommendation that we
increase conference fees in future years because APTC
subsidizes an inordinate percentage of costs; most/all seemed
to feel that a conference fee of $250 instead of the current
$100 would be reasonable, given the perks and benefits that
attendance offers. EC will take this up further at Sunday
morning Executive Committee breakfast meeting Programs & Conferences,
Karen Fondacaro & Mike Taylor
● Looking for
input on meeting location for next year
● Posters seemed
to work well this year, so we will probably continue that
component of the meeting
● Patti Bach
volunteered to help with programming next year as possible
co-chair replacing Karen Fondacaro
Directors at the annual meeting in Puerto Rico: Bob Hatcher, Karen Fondecaro and Joe Scardapane work hard,
play hard.