The Briar
Patch: Thorny Challenges for Directors
Watch out - those guppies have
Vic Pantesco,
to Distraction
Some days are worse
than others, and often for me what adds pepper to them is
getting nibbled. Nibbles come in many forms and often in
battalions as opposed to single spies. Nibbles (well,
OK, some of them maybe are bites or chomps instead of nibbles)
were not anything we studied formally in our doctoral
programs. They don’t appear in the usual list of
provocations of the Adjustment Reaction diagnosis. And,
they take up way too much time and emotional energy on days
when I am sleep deprived. They can propel me into the
impatient land of snark, and I might be overheard muttering to
myself about was this why I got a doctorate?
Here are some of my “favorites”: getting
buttonholed in transit in a corridor to make a decision or
sign a document when it is clear – to me at least – that I am
on my way to something else; field a request from a student
that despite the clear language in the manual, they need
(deserve!) an exception to take a day off and go to their best
friend’s bachelor/bachelorette party; a student in high
dudgeon offering that they did not know they were supposed to
take responsibility for something (that was clearly in the
manual); a supervisor complains about an unclear procedure
that to me at least was and is clear from both conversations
and written material. Or, I have to justify the extra
$50.00 for supplies I inserted into the new budget. On
such days even the little Dove dark chocolate bite sizes don’t
help much. I just want to go hide in the paper
recycling dumpster.
Dulling the Thorn
I wasn’t kidding about the sleep.
Hey, this is the stuff Erica Wise talks about in Self Care as
an ethical responsibility. When I do get to bed and not
“reward” myself with the Blacklist (on at 10 PM Eastern), the
next day is much better. Also, talking with my
Administrative Assistant about having a set time each day in
which the various nibbles will be addressed so I don’t get
collared in the corridor (duh!). Asking the student(s) to tell
me briefly about their concern and then letting them know I
will email them with a time we can talk (double duh, and very
helpful: gives both of us time for perspective- taking and
In the supervisor matter, our supervisor
group is tight and good, having been together now for over 12
years. So, I told them that our monthly supervisors
meetings I designed years ago were for the purpose of our
being with each other in collaboration and talking of our
challenges and enjoyments with supervising. I found that
these meetings were becoming more system focused in which I
had to retain the hat of administrator addressing
problems. The message was received well and we adjusted
focus and timing of procedural matters. As for the
budget, I have come
see it as a similar process to accessing my own or private
clients’ medical benefits. There is an inherent
wear-down dynamic. Just recognize that and ALWAYS before
a budget appeal do 15 minutes of Larson cartoons (I got
as a gift years ago the double, leather-bound versions of all
of his cartoons, which also featured assorted letters his
editors received demanding that his cartoons be banned
and that he was insane).
The Clinic Director by definition swims in
troubled waters often. I find, if I actually do things
differently, I can shield or escape from some of the nibbling