Report: Council of University Directors
of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP) Lee Cooper, Ph.D.
2014 Annual Meeting
Highlights I: Institutional and
Program Context
A. The term “Health Service Psychology” now
replaces the term “Professional Psychology” as the scope of
Models are now based on practice area and degree type – not
“scientist-practitioner” or “practitioner scholar.” The
SoA defines PhD vs PsyD as a difference in emphasis on certain
Curriculum, Outcomes, and Development
A. Required Practicum and Internship
Settings - must be committed to training, with appropriately
credentialed supervisors, and each practicum evaluation must
be based in part on direct observation (directly relevant to
Documentation of Outcomes – Distal Outcomes
2 years post-graduation – provide evidence of
how well program prepared students in profession-wide and
program-specific competencies (plus jobs/licensure).
5 and
10 years post-graduation – provide data on licensure and
research/scholarly contributions
Curriculum, Outcomes, and Development
Discipline-Specific Knowledge – (this used to
be “broad and general”)
The new
SoA proposal allows an option of using the revised PSYCH GRE
(score to still be determined) as evidence that students have
the foundational-competence entry requirements. Programs
would then be able to have advanced courses in these areas
consistent with their program goals. OR The program may
choose not to adopt foundational entry requirements but then
must document how foundation was trained/covered (consistent
with the current G&P). CUDCP plans to work further
with ETS on the PSYCH GRE.
As a result of surveys of both DCTs and students, CUDCP
passed the following resolution with respect to unmatched
students in Internship:
CUDCP programs and their students work collaboratively to
manage the challenge of students successfully obtaining an
internship match. CUDCP encourages
member programs to make every effort to limit the financial
burdens during the unmatched year and to develop a specific
plan to assist students who go unmatched with educational,
mentorship and training opportunities during the subsequent
training year.
Liaison Report:
Council of Chairs of
Training Councils (CCTC) Tony Cellucci,
2014 Meeting Highlights CCTC
( consists of thirteen training
councils such as ASPPB, COGDOP, and APAGS, along with half a
dozen liaisons. The chair is Dave Cimbora who had represented
NCSPP, and he was aided by Cathi Grus of the Education
Directorate. Topics discussed were:
The supervision guidelines: These
were put forth by BEA (Board of Educational Affairs),
revised based on public comment, including ours, and may
come before APA Council as early as August. ASPPB
(Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards) also
has supervision guidelines for regulatory boards to
APA internship stimulus grants: We
are in the last year of these grants, awarded largely to
help internship programs get accredited. 72 awards
(max $20,000) have been granted, and a new call is about to
go out. APPIC has invested money in a study of the
barriers for their members who are not APA accredited.
APA’s goal is to have all internship programs accredited by
The HSP (Health Service Psychology)
competencies and blueprint: The blueprint establishes
minimum qualifications (e.g. undergraduate study areas) for
entering doctoral programs. CUDCP (Council of University
Directors of Clinical Psychology) leaders have been talking
with ETS about revisions of the Psychology Subject matter
test that might be used (along with other indicators such as
a syllabus) to establish “credit” for general training
(e.g., social psychology). (See everyone the Feb
2014 issue of TEPP for an overview).
APA Presidential Initiatives:
Dr. Nadine Kaslow indicated she has devoted two hours of
convention programming to structured conversations between
councils and graduate students for new ideas and solutions
to the internship imbalance.
Guidelines for Master’s programs in
psychology: BEA has a new task force to better
define and distinguish levels of training.
Centralized application system:
Garth Fowler, Associate Executive Director of Graduate and
Post-Graduate Education, described a project of a
centralized application system for psychology students
applying to all graduate programs in psychology.
Trends affecting education and training:
Cynthia Belar, Executive Director of APA’s Education
Directorate, identified 3 major trends: 1) Increasing
emphasis on interdisciplinary training with other health
professionals which is a unique feature of HSP competencies.
“Psychology has to be more like internal medicine which has
both primary and specialty components”. 2) Increasing
opportunities for psychology training in community health
centers and especially teaching health centers established
by ACA (Affordable Care Act). Psychologists need to
establish practica in these settings. 3) Corporation
of Higher education will continue and will raise questions
of access, competencies, use of technology, and legislative
Internship crisis: Much of the
meeting was a discussion of the internship imbalance, with
the emphasis on increasing internships. CCTC has updated the
internship tool kit which is on the CCTC website. The end
result of this discussion was the recommendation that CCTC
establish a Working Group on Cross-Council Collaborations to
address the internship issue which will discuss and propose
steps CCTC might advance with BEA and others (e.g.,
technical assistance center, collaborative internship
building forum). I recommend Bob Hatcher’s upcoming chapter
in Annual Review for an excellent analysis of the internship
A standardized reference letter for
internship: The advantages of this concept,
similar to Canadian system, were discussed, with questions
about whether the current proposed form fits the
competencies. After much discussion, this was endorsed
by CCTC although APPIC will not require use of the
CoA: President Carl Paternite spoke
to various misunderstandings including there was a CoA 50%
match rule; programs with less than a 50% percent match are
asked to reflect on what they can do to improve. The draft
outlining standards is out for comment till July. It
outlines a common core of 10 competencies yet to be
defined. Of specific interest to APTC is that the new
standards provide higher requirements for keeping practicum
training records as well as direct observation of trainees.
GPE (Graduate Psychology Education)
grant increased to $6.9 million: The Educational
Directorate’s Government Relations Office expects this will
fund 21 new training grants with the call for proposals
expected in April. Psychology is also included in new
SMSA/HRSA workforce funding for training mental health
professionals to work with youth with serious emotional
problems. We were asked to support the Education
Advocacy Trust, the political action committee used to
support legislators who share our interests in health.