Welcome New Members!
Current as of October 1, 2010: Matthew Alderson (Oklahoma State University), Allison Bashe (University of Colorado-Denver), Sharon Bass (Alliant International University), Teresa Bear (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Yvette Caro (Queens College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York), Jeffrey Cassissi (University of Central Florida), Chun-chung Choi (University of Florida), Ron Coffen (Andrews University), Susan Dvorak (Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology), Norah Feeny (Case Western Reserve University), Catherine Fiorello (Temple University), Pamela Geller (Drexel University), Mark Ginsberg (Syracuse University), Mark Harwood (Wheaton College), Kerry Holland (East Tennessee State), Carolyn Karr (University of Missouri-Kansas City), Susan Kenford (Xavier University), Diane LaChappelle (University of New Brunswick), Ferdinand Lubugin (University of Denver), Joseph Methvin (Texas Wesleyan University), Joni Mihura (University of Toledo), Kathleen Palm Reed (Clark University), Mary Peterson (George Fox University), Tracey Rogers (Suffolk University), Holiday Rondeau (Institute for the Psychological Sciences), Anais Rosenberg (Universidad Francisco Marroquin), Virginia Scott-Adams (University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa), Jane Stafford (University of South Carolina Aiken), Jason Whipple (University of Alaska – Fairbanks), Sarah Whitton (University of Cincinnati), Tony Young (Louisiana Tech University).
New member ideas for the upcoming conference: Mentoring opportunities at the conference Session to help new members to learn about the organization, what it could offer, and what members could do to become more involved in the organization? Discussion or workshop on clinical supervision. Practical issues of running a clinic (e.g., quality assurance, maintaining/updating policies, dealing with supervisors and faculty, technical issues and developments, etc.) Cross culture and diversity issues – both student diversity (re: training/supervision) and client diversity Discussions regarding the styles and models of various training clinics Discussion/talks on the teaching and modeling of ethics and professional issues Discussion/talks on teaching therapy Discussion/talks on teaching assessment Strategies to receive institutional resources for training Disciplinary actions for students
For questions about APTC, new members can contact the members of the New Members Committee: Stephen Cook (Texas Tech - s.cook@ttu.edu) Lettie Flores (Virginia Commonwealth University - lyflores@vcu.edu) Kelly McDonnell (Western Michigan University - kelly.mcdonnell@wmich.edu)